Yoga For A Stressed Out World: Relax & Rejuvenate: Upside Down & Outside In
With Noah Mazé
One 20 Minutes Class
Register Now$20.00
Included Classes
About this class:
Learn and practice a supported version of Halasana (Plow Pose) and a few seated forward folds and experience the deep calm of inward turning awareness. If you are new to this pose, watch the entry and exit first (exit is around 10:15 into class) to familiarize yourself (some experimentation may be needed to find the prop/height combination that works best for you). After exiting the pose, relax deeply in Savasana, and practice a few supported seated poses and meditation. Carry your introspective calm state into whatever is next in your day. Prop list: yoga chair, folded yoga mat, 7 blankets (or less depending on your height and/or if you have a bolster, towel, block etc).
Instructor: Noah Mazé