Yoga For A Stressed Out World: Relax & Rejuvenate: Front Body Long
Included Classes
About this class:
Gently and deeply open your courageous heart in this practice of chair supported backbends. Use a bolster and folded blankets to support your head and neck, a strap to support your legs, the chair to hold most of your weight, as the poses lengthen your front body. Practice this class anytime you’ve been sitting for long periods, wish to open the structures on the front of your body (quads, hip flexors, abdomen, chest, shoulders) with support, and/or are experiencing fatigue or low spirits. Progress from chair supported Setu Bandha Sarvangasana (Bridge Pose) to Dwi Pada Viparita Dandasana (Two Limb Inverted Staff Pose) to Kapotasana (Pigeon Pose). Pro tip; it’s easier to start with more height for the head and neck and take away a blanket then it is to add a blanket while in the pose. Prop list: yoga chair (folding metal chair with the back removed), bolster, 2 or 3 blankets, strap.
Instructor: Noah Mazé