Vinyasa Yoga: Form, Function & Flow: Open and Energize: Full Spectrum Flow
Included Classes
About this class:
This 1-hour full spectrum vinyasa practice will open and energize all of you. Ease into your practice with some delicious opening poses, expand your breath with ujayii pranayama, build heat in progressive sun salutations into linked standing poses. Strengthen your core and take flight in playful arm balances, counter pose by backbending, cool down with supine hip openers and rest deeply in Shavasana. Props: 2 blocks
Workbook Notes:
Recreate the sequence of class within the categories of the template (need standard form)
make note of specific regressions and progressions in surya A & B sections and elsewhere.
Give examples of instructional round & breath round
Reflect on your experience, before and after (need form)
Instructor: Rocky Heron & Noah Mazé