Essential Poses and Practice: Soma Sequence
With Rocky Heron & Noah Mazé
One 1 Hour 10 Minutes Class
Register Now$20.00
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About this class:
This full spectrum practice begins with calming Ujayii Pranayama (Victorious Breath), builds heat with Surya Namaskara A & B (Sun Salutations), vigor in side-to-side standing poses, strengthens your core and stretches your hips and legs in seated and supine poses, strengthens your back with basic backbends, nourishes your spine with twists and grounds you deeply with more Ujayii Pranayama and Savasana (Corpse Pose). Soma mythically refers to the intoxicating elixir, the color of moon and the ecstatic emissional fluid; all from practicing this sequence! Prop list: none used, but use what you need.
Instructor: Rocky Heron & Noah Mazé