Dr. Paula Sauer
Dr. Paula Sauer is a licensed physical therapist and trainer for The Mazé Method in the area of anatomy. She earned her doctoral degree in Physical Therapy from Mount St. Mary’s College, and has been working in the outpatient orthopedic setting for over 11 years. Dr. Sauer holds additional certifications and trainings in Redcord®, Graston Technique, Yoga, Pilates, Core Align, Cranial Sacral and Visceral Manipulation, as well as post-doctorate biokinesiology training. Dr. Sauer’s yoga bio includes studying and teaching yoga under the direction of Noah Maze for many years. She holds her 500 hour yoga certification through The Mazé Method and is a certified Mazé Method teacher. Dr. Sauer is the founder of Align Physical Therapy learn more here in Los Angeles, where she and her staff help patients heal from injuries (old and new) using an integrative approach.