Intermediate Practice Volume 1
In these 23 classes, Noah has synthesized, organized and shared his understanding and insight into these poses from his own practice of them over the past 25+ years. In each practice, you will benefit from his clear instructions, intelligent sequencing, creative use of props, skills and drills to strengthen and lengthen the structures necessary for the movements and poses. This Intermediate Practice Package is for yogis who feel reasonably comfortable in mixed-level classes who want to safely and systematically evolve their practice further, as well as for teachers who want new and fresh ideas to share in their classes. You will solidify and deepen poses that occur (fairly) regularly in those classes. You will grow your practice repertoire to include poses that less frequently occur in mixed level classes. You will safely expand your practice to include more intermediate poses and variations.
You will further your practice in every postural category and strengthen your mobility in every direction with this 23-practice package of:
- 6 inversion practices
- 4 standing pose practices
- 4 seated pose practices
- 5 hand balance practices
- 4 backbend practices
You Will:
- Strengthen your handstand & forearm balance
- Learn to balance your handstand without the wall
- Clarify your headstand & shoulderstand practice & use of props
- Learn inversion variations & increase the duration of inverted practice
- Challenge your standing balancing & twisting poses
- Deepen your seated forward bends & hip openers
- Strengthen & expand your arm balance practice
- Grow your backbending practice
Syllabus of Significant Poses:
- Adho Mukha Vrkshasana
- Pincha Mayurasana
- Sirsasana I
- Sirsasana II
- Sarvangasana
- Halasana
- Sirsasana & Sarvangasana Variations
- Virabhadrasana III
- Ardha Chandrasana
- Parivritta Ardha Chandrasana
- Parivritta Trikonasana
- Parivritta Parsvakonasana
- Utthita Hasta Padangusthasana
- Baddha Parsvakonasana
- Baddha Trikonasana
- Svarga Dvijasana
- Garudasana
- Ardha Baddha Padmottanasana
- Upavishtha Konasana
- Parsva & Parivritta Upavishta Konasana
- Janu Sirsasana & Parivritta Janu Sirsasana
- Ardha Baddha Padma Paschimottanasana
- Padmasana
- Triangmukhaikapada Paschimottanasana
- Krounchyasana
- Marichyasana I
- Akarna Dhanurasana
- Bharadvajasana II
- Yogi Dandasana
- Surya Yantrasana
- Eka Pada Sirsasana
- Hanumanasana
- Urdhva Prasarita Padottanasana
- Bakasana
- Parsva Bakasana
- Eka Pada Bakasana II
- Eka Pada Galavasana
- Lolasana & ½ Vinyasa Transitions
- Eka Hasta Bhujasana
- Dwi Hasta Bhujasana
- Bhujapidasana
- Astavakrasana
- Tolasana
- Tittibasana
- Vasisthasana
- Visvamitrasana
- Eka Pada Koundinyasana II
- Ustrasana
- Laghu Vajrasana
- Kapotasana
- Urdhva Dhanurasana Variations
- Drop Back to Urdhva Dhanurasana
- Dwi Pada Viparita Dandasana
- Sirsasana to Dwipada Viparita Dandasana (Headstand Drop Over)
- Vrischikasana
- Natarajasana
- Eka Pada Raja Kapotasana I & II
About this class:
Increase your knowledge and build strength in your
wrists, shoulders and core for a stable practice of Adho Mukha Vrkshasana (Handstand). You will learn useful activation drills to strengthen these structures and ‘up the ante’ in the pose (progress the pose), as well as expand your use of props for additional support (regress the pose).
Prop list: wall, strap, 2 blocks, optional wedge
plank and/or hand weights.
Instructor: Noah Mazé
About this class:
Build upon your stable practice of Adho Mukha
Vrkshasana (Handstand) and ultimately learn to gain independence from the wall entirely. In this class you will learn further strength building and balance techniques, beginning at the wall, and then
progressively move further away from the wall as you are ready. Eventually, you must leave the wall entirely…and to achieve that, you must learn to “fall” in a more controlled and safe manner. And besides, when is the last time you did a cartwheel? Prop list: wall, bolster, gymnastics pad (or other landing/crash pad).
Instructor: Noah Mazé
About this class:
Practice a progression of Pincha Mayurasana (Forearm Balance, Peacock’s Tail/Feather Pose) at the wall, interspersed with the core strengthening and shoulder opening. Whether you are new to this pose, or practice it regularly, there is much here for you to learn and cultivate on this path of expanded awareness of the 1,000 eyes of the peacock’s tail. Prop list: wall, block, strap
Instructor: Noah Mazé
About this class:
Turn your world upside down and wear the world as your crown in this Sirsasana I & II (Headstand I and Tripod Headstand) tune up. Increase your knowledge about the alignment and precautions and prop use of this classic inverted yoga pose. Prop list: wall, 4 blankets…
Instructor: Noah Mazé
About this class:
Open up your shoulders and go upside down as you learn and practice a variety of prop techniques and practice strategies for Sarvangasana (Shoulderstand Pose) and Halasana (Plough Pose).
Instructor: Noah Mazé
About this class:
Put your inversion skills and knowledge into practice in this continuous sequence of inverted poses. Experience the steady focus and deep nourishment that these poses offer.
Instructor: Noah Mazé
About this class:
Got glutes? Strengthen and stabilize your hips, pelvis and spine in this practice of single leg balancing poses of Virabhadrasana III (Warrior III Pose), Ardha Chandrasana (Half Moon Pose) and Parivritta Ardha Chandrasana (Revolved Half Moon Pose).
Instructor: Noah Mazé
About this class:
Open your hips and strengthen your balance in this progressive practice of standing poses culminating in the majestic form of Svarga Dvijasana (Bird of Paradise Pose).
Instructor: Noah Mazé
About this class:
Fly like an eagle and land on a lotus in this progressive standing balance practice of Garudasana (Eagle Pose) and Ardhabaddha Padmottanasana (1/2 Bound Lotus Intense Stretch Pose). Be prepared to work your hips, legs and feet strongly; they will thank you for it!
Instructor: Noah Mazé
About this class:
“Wring it Out”–Stabilize your pelvis and spine as you twist (and twist and twist). Wring out your entire being in this progressive sequence of seated to standing twisting poses to Parivritta Parsvakonasana (Revolved Side Angle Pose). Props used: 2 blocks, strap, wall. 60min
Instructor: Noah Mazé
About this class:
Stretch deeply in this practice of seated forward bends, side bends and spinal rotations. This practice of Upavistha Konasana (Seated Angle Pose) and Janu Sirsasana (Head to Knee Pose) variations will move your spine in every direction and leave you feeling deeply nourished and grounded. Props: blanket, strap (optional)
Instructor: Noah Mazé
About this class:
Open your hips in a progressive practice of seated poses to Pamasana (Lotus Pose) that will leave you deeply grounded and ready for meditation.
Instructor: Noah Mazé
About this class:
This practice is like a massage for your hip joints. Turn your legs in and turn your legs out and fold forward in this progressive practice of seated poses including Akarna Dhanurasana (Archer’s Pose), Yogadandasana (Yogi’s Staff Pose), Surya Yantrasana (Compass Pose) and Eka Pada Sirsasana (One Leg Behind Head Pose).
Instructor: Noah Mazé
About this class:
Strengthen and STRETCH your legs deeply in this progressive sequence of forward folds, lunging poses, Urdhva Prasarita Padottanasana (Standing Splits) to Hanumanasana (Front Splits). Increase your flexibility incrementally with the support of props from high (more props) to low (less props).
Instructor: Noah Mazé
About this class:
Sit to Lift (or) Lift Your Seat (or) Levitation Preparation—Strengthen your core and shoulders in this practice of seated-entry hand balance poses. Lift your body from seated positions and use creative prop work to make these challenging poses more accessible. Practice Lolasana (Earring Pose), Eka Hasta Bhujasana (One Arm Shoulder Pose), Astavakrasana (Eight Bends Pose), half vinyasa transitions (jump back from sitting, jump forward to sitting) and Tolasana (Scales Pose). Props: strap, 2 blocks, socks. 30min
Instructor: Noah Mazé
About this class:
“Ground Down to Take Flight” (or Ground to Lift)— Build strength and steady courage in this practice of challenging and graceful handbalance poses. Warm up with sliding core work, take flight in Bakasana (Crow/Crane Pose), balance in Sirsasana II (Tripod Headstand), twist launch in Parsva Bakasna (Side Crow/Crane Pose), open your hips and fly in Eka Pada Galavasana (Flying Pigeon). Props: socks (or blanket/towel to slide on), wall, 4-6 blocks (optional). 45min
Instructor: Noah Mazé
About this class:
Open your hips and strengthen your core and shoulders in this playful hand balance practice of leap frogging yourself and wearing your legs on your shoulders culminating in Kurmasana (Turtle Pose) and Tittibasana (Firefly Pose).
Instructor: Noah Mazé
About this class:
This deep dive exploration into how to stabilize your shoulders, elbows and wrists sets you up for success in all things side plank (Vasisthasana). Along the way you will strengthen your core and hips and expand your range in multiple variations of this challenging and noble pose named after the Maharishi (‘Great Seer’) Vasistha.
Instructor: Noah Mazé
About this class:
Strengthen and open your hip, shoulders and core in this standing pose to hand balance sequence to the long_and_low poses named after the sages Visvamitra and Koundinya.
Instructor: Noah Mazé
About this class:
Stretch and strengthen your quads until they tremble in this sequence of kneeling backbend postures. Ustrasana (Camel Pose), Laghu Vajrasana (Little Thunderbolt Pose) and Kapotasana (Pigeon Pose) prepare you for the possibility of dropping back from standing into Urdhva Dhanurasana (Upward Bow Pose) at the wall. #OMQ “oh my quads” and #OMGG “oh my quivering quads”
Instructor: Noah Mazé
About this class:
Build upon your practice of Urdhva Dhanurasana (Upward Bow Pose) to include one leg and arm variations, Viparita Chakrasana (Inverted Wheel Pose) with the wall and Vrschikasana I (Scorpion Pose) with the chair.
Instructor: Noah Mazé
About this class:
What could be more fun than balancing on your head while backbending? This practice will strengthen your Sirsasana (Headstand Pose) and move you progressively into Dwi Pada Viparita Dandasana (Two Limb Inverted Staff Pose) before combining these two into a dropover from headstand.
Instructor: Noah Mazé
About this class:
Feast yourself on shoulder and heart openers while you strengthen your hip extensors and lengthen your hip flexors. Practice progressive variations of the majestic Natarajasana (Lord of Dance Pose) and Eka Pada Raja Kapotasana (One Leg Royal Pigeon Pose).
Instructor: Noah Mazé
$345.00 (or purchase classes individually by clicking on the class description in the included class section)
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- An internet connection capable of streaming video (videos are not available to download)
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- Yoga mat, props nearby
- An accurate sense of your abilities and limitations along with a playful attitude
- Props as noted on the class descriptions (suggested but not required)
- Notebook if you wish to take notes
Authored, Designed & Delivered by Noah Mazé
“I completed my RYS 200 training online with the Mazé School due to COVID. This was the first online training they've ever done, but you wouldn't know it. The sheer amount of recorded material blew me away. I was so impressed with the wealth knowledge that they shared with us and their dedication to their students’ learning. It is clear these are teachers’ teachers and they have dedicated their lives to the practice of yoga…. I would recommend this program for anyone who wants to dive deep into study, and who resonates with more alignment and structured flow based yoga classes. I will forever be appreciative to the Mazé School for the knowledge they worked so hard to empowered me with!" - Makenna Johnstone
“Very informative. I really enjoyed how the teacher broke down the different structures and then illustrated how they work together in asanas.” - Carrie Menke
“Great content, presentation style, level of info. Lots to dig into further. Enough meat to keep me going back to this to learn more and more and so well put together and presented.” - Andrew Nathan
“For me this was a wonderful way to get training. I could go at my own pace & review as necessary. The delivery method is efficient. And Noah is the most inspiring teacher I’ve ever had. Thank you.” - Rochelle Wilson
“Noah and team…WOW…GREAT work with this webinar offering. I am impressed withal that you have put together. This must have been a LOT of work, so KUDOS!!!!!” - Jennie Pearl
“Thank you, Noah and Team for connecting the World of Yoga Teachers and Students together. After watching each webinar, I feel a sense of satisfaction on every level, from validation of what I do already know from both past and current study”– Rena Chase
“ I’d like to thank you and the team for putting together such an amazing course. I was offered a scholarship and would have been unable to afford the full cost at this time so the opportunity to do this is such a blessing and I’m immeasurably grateful.” - Patrice
“Your online courses are awesome! I [participate in] online courses with many other teachers, and I find that your courses offer way more resources, seem to be exceptionally current – rather than pre-planned, and relate to our interaction and feedback (where you use threads from each week). [It is] truly inspiring, captivating and engaging, as well as encouraging, to learn more and to give more to our students and ourselves. After all, we are our own biggest students. I am so enthralled by your teaching, I wish I could do everything!” - Michelle Cross
“I enrolled in courses for my non contact hours in yoga teacher training. I received a wealth of knowledge and feel that both courses have really enriched my yoga education. The instructors taught the courses in an informative, easy to understand way with time for interaction with the students taking the class. I corresponded to get my certificates upon completion easily. Great staff and courses, I highly recommend!” - Alyssa Kyle
“Your attention to detail on the slides is fantastic. It’s almost like I’m back at Kripalu in your workshop. Thanks again.” - Juliánna Nagy
“I wanted to write and let you know how much I thoroughly enjoyed taking the online course. I live in the Caribbean and have been teaching yoga full time for five years. It is hard to attend trainings due to my location, so when I found this course online I was excited! Over the past three years I have taught workshops but always felt like I was on the right track however I still felt like I wanted/needed something more. The tools that you presented have given me complete confidence in my teaching. I came to the realization that I was giving WAY too much information, too many details. Once I simplified, it was like I was speaking another language. I just wanted to say thank you from my heart and know what you do is appreciated! I look forward to more trainings with you in the future.” - Danielle Gentilcore
“I got the chance to watch the first two sessions of this online course this morning. Everything was so clear and well thought out, including the theory of the second class. I taught two yoga sessions today and caught myself engaged in more [ways than normal]. That was pleasant. The most striking part so far was that I felt more confident in experimenting with new adjustments, both me and my fellow yoginis benefited from that. Thank you! Off to watch the third session now that my little one is in bed.” - Anonymous
“Compliments to Noah and his team for putting together excellent materials. Even though I am a certified yoga teacher, I feel it’s always good to go back with a beginner’s mind and learn again. These trainings (Art of Sequencing, Fundamentals of Teaching Yoga Poses, and 101) are very high quality and I am excited to ‘sharpen the saw’ through them.” - Olin Levitt
“Although this online class is my first encounter with you as a teacher, I’ve already learned a lot, and am enjoying the course very much. I’m quite a new teacher, and hope to remain a student for as long as I can breathe, and in that regard, every bit of information you happen to share during the class or on the discussion group, adds up to my investment of knowledge. I also like reading about others’ experiences and views (sometimes it proves how little I know, sometimes it shows me I’m not so bad either) for each word towards learning is valuable for me.” - Zeynep Yeldan
“I really appreciate how this course is aligning with what is happening in my life as a yoga teacher. I am teaching a 5 week series for the first time and just this week I was offered 3 classes to introduce meditation and deep stretching. It is awesome to be learning with Noah, each week I have so much to take away.” - Jennifer Adi
“Thank you, Noah and Team for connecting the world of yoga teachers and students together. After watching each webinar, I feel a sense of satisfaction on every level, from validation of what I do already know from both past and current study.” - Anonymous
“Loving the idea of building on the shapes. It makes sense – I just never actually simplified it enough to think of it that way.” - Lanessa Giesbrecht
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