We are excited to resume our Live practices again in 2025 and are offering a live Yoga Strong class series each month. Each class of the series will also live in the member archive below shortly after each class completes. If you are registered for a particular Yoga Strong series you may also login to your account at themazemethod.com to access the series. Learn more about Noah’s February class series (and register) here.

Below is a complementary class for you to get a feel.

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2025-02-11 Leg Day – Engage your legs in every pose, mindfully and systematically, and strengthen those neuromuscular connections in a mix of dynamic movement, activation drills, and variable actions within isometric holds. While we don’t run through a lot of poses in this class, we certainly invite complexity and deep awareness within each pose, and perhaps some quivering quadriceps and delightful cramping hamstrings :) Props: mat, resistance band, strap, 2 + blankets, optional blocks. Read more

Complete livestream archive Members Only

We invite you to join and experience Noah’s complete (and ever growing) archive of recorded livestreamed classes - on demand. Become a Member and gain access to this growing library for $89 per month. Our archive features the breadth and versatility that sets Noah apart from other teachers, and the classes that brought you here. From hard work in foundational poses, strength based practices, blissful restorative experiences, and dynamic vinyasa flow – YOU choose from the variety of offerings as they amass; and then visit your favorite practices whenever you wish, again and again.

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2023-07-26 Stand in Wisdom: Arjuna asks, “How to describe standing in wisdom (sthitaprajnasya)? What of being steadfast in composure, Krishna? How does one of steady mind speak? How does one sit? How does one move?” (BH 2.54) – Join Noah and Oliver to take up these queries and consider Krishna’s response, then apply/embody your awareness and stand in wisdom in sun salutation progressions, lunge variations, handstands, headstands, twisting standing poses, then rest with your legs up the wall. Props: mat, wall, 2 blocks, 2 blankets or a bolster. Read more

2023-07-25 Adhikara: The concept and meanings of adhikara, literally “with respect to action” (also “privilege, entitlement, authority”) informs and inspires this practice of receiving and assessing your capacity and cultivating your potential in a sequence of supine leg & hip mobility and proprioception drills, supported standing balancing poses, and inversions with leg variations. “Your privilege (adhikara) extends only to the act, never at any time to the outcome.” (BG 2.47) Props: mat, light weight block or other object, wall, strap, 2 blocks, 3 blankets. Read more

2023-07-24 Dynamic Equanimity: Join Noah and Oliver as we explore further the Bhagavadgita’s themes of emotional restraint/discipline in a practice of up-tempo sun salutations interspersed with standing steadily (on a block), single leg balancing poses (on a block), linked standing poses with vinyasa transitions, and timed handstands. “But when the objects engaging the senses neither want nor hate, are under one’s control and one is under control, one attains an equanimity (prasadam; tranquility, peace).” (BG 2.64) Props: mat, blanket, block, wall. Read more

2023-07-21 Empowered Resilience: Building on previous themes, we again take up Bhagavadgita’s 2nd chapter teachings on physical/emotional/mental/spiritual resilience to meet life’s circumstances (the pairs of opposites), with consideration of complementary principles in “The Emperor’s Handbook” of Marcus Aurelius (Roman emperor from 161 to 180 CE). Embody these teachings of resilience in Surya Namaskar A variations with changing asymmetries (block under 1 hand), step back lunges to Virabhadrasana I and Parsvottanasana variations, dynamic sliding drills to increase your control, deep hamstring stretching, and upside-down time in Halasana (Plow Pose). “Wherever life is possible, it is possible to live in the right way. Nothing ever happens to a person that they are not equipped by nature to endure.” ~The Emperor’s Handbook (Book 5, comments 16 & 18). Props: mat, block, sliders, props for Halasana. Read more

2023-07-20 Steady in Fluctuations of Opposites: Inspired by the Bhagavadgita’s teachings in the second chapter about being steady in the experiences of the pairs of opposites, we cultivate resilience and steadfast awareness and engagement in this leg focused class of Surya Namaskar variations, Sirsasana (Headstand), standing poses, and Sarvangasana (Shoulderstand). “But physical experiences, Son of Kunti (Arjuna), causing us to feel cold, hot, pleasure, and pain, they are transient, they come and go. Withstand them, Bharata (Arjuna). The wise person whom they do not oppress, steady in pain and pleasure (sama-dukha-sukham), Bull Among People (purusharshabha; epithet of Arjuna), is prepared for immortality.” (BG 2.14-2.15) Props: mat, block, strap, props for shoulderstand. Read more

2023-06-14 Press Up: Put it all together in this culminating Inversion Strong class - get centered, warm up, strengthen your core, and progressively work on pressing up to headstand (lifting both legs at the same time) cycle with leg variations, and handstand press ups at the wall with a bolster. Then open your front body structures and work on more backbendy versions of forearm balance, and leg variations in shoulderstand. Props: mat, wall, sliders, bolster, chair, 2 blocks, 3+ blankets. Read more

2023-06-13 Steadfastness in Inversions: Cultivate steadiness and steadfastness of mind, body, and heart in this practice of longer duration inversions. Use props for support in seated meditation, head-supported forward folds, 3+ minute headstand at the wall, 2-minute handstand & forearm balance, and variations of supported bridge pose. Props: wall, strap, 2 blocks, 3+ blankets, bolster. Read more

2023-06-12 Dynamic Balance: Find center in seated meditation and Nadi Shodhana pranayama (alternate nostril breathing), then warm up, activate and engage all parts of yourself in service of cultivating dynamic balance in Sirsasana (Headstand), with or without the wall, Adho Mukha Vrkshasana (Handstand), Pincha Mayurasana (Forearm Balance), and Sarvangasana (Shoulderstand) cycle. Props: mat, wall, block, strap, 3 blankets. Read more

2023-06-10 World Upside-Down: Building upon previous practices, this class adds further inversion skills & drills to strengthen and open your shoulders for Adho Mukha Vrkshasana (Handstand) and Pincha Mayurasana (Forearm Balance), incorporates leg movements and twists into Sirsasana (Headstand) cycle, and explores using a dowel rod for Halasana (Plow Pose) and Sarvangasana (Shoulderstand). Props: mat, wall, sliders, 3+ blankets, strap, dowel rod, bolster. Read more

2023-06-07 Inversion Expansion: This Inversion Strong practice builds on the foundation established in prior practices and expands into further transitional strategies and variations: Begin seated for centering with an option to wear a prop hat to heighten your awareness and axial length through your head, warm up with slow and deliberately engaged sun salutations, practice Sirsasana II (Tripod Headstand) the “regular way” – then consider a few different propped versions of the pose that decrease/eliminate the loading of your cervical spine. Lie down for Supta Padangusthasana (Supine Leg Stretches), then practice Sirsasana I at the wall with leg variations. Practice hopping from Adho Mukha Svanasana (Downward Facing Dog Pose) over a bolster to Uttanasana (Standing Forward Fold) and back, work on hopping up to Adho Mukha Vrkshasana (Handstand), then challenge and build your handstand strength with 30, 45, and 60 second durations. Open your shoulders and chest, then practice Sarvangasana (Shoulderstand) and Halasana (Plow Pose) with feet on a chair and leg variations. Props: mat, bolster, wall, 1 or 2 chairs, 2 to 4 blocks, strap, 3+ blankets. Read more

2023-06-06 Dessert First: Have “dessert first” in this Inversion Strong class by putting your legs up with wall in a supported inversion (Viparita Karani), then warm up and practice Sirsasana (Headstand) I and II, prepare for and practice Pincha Mayurasana (Tail of the Peackcock, aka forearm balance), and conclude with Sarvangasana (Shoulderstand) at the wall and relax in Savasana. Props: mat, bolster, 2 blocks, wall, 3+ blankets. *Note: my mic stopped working at the end of savasana, so please rest as long as you like, then gently reawaken on your own.  Read more

2023-06-02 Hand Strong: Strengthen your hands (wrists, forearms, shoulders) in this Inversion Strong class with an emphasis on Adho Mukha Vrkshasana (Downward Facing Tree Pose, aka handstand) skills and drills, then practice Sirasana I (Headstand) and chair Sarvangasana (Shoulderstand). Props: mat + another thin mat, wall, strap, chair, 3+ blankets. Read more

2023-06-01 Shoulder Strong: This Inversion Strong class opens, strengthens, and progressively loads your shoulders in a journey into sirsasana (headstand) and modified pincha mayurasana (forearm balance) at the wall, and halasana (plow pose) with your feet on a chair. Come ready for scapula pushups and sliding drills to prepare for sirsasna, and practice putting a strap around your arms in shoulder extension for halasana. Props: mat, resistance band, strap, sliders, wall, 3+ blankets, chair. Read more

2023-05-31 Inversion Building Blocks: Welcome to Inversion Strong! This first class begins with mobilization, centering and breath awareness. From there, we add muscular activations and strengthening drills (shoulders, forearms, wrists, hands) and move dynamically in Surya Namaskar. Then we put the pieces together and build variations of handstand (L at the wall), forearm/headstand prep, and shoulderstand. Whether you are newer to inversions, or more experienced, this practice will have much to offer you. Props: mat, wall, resistance band or strap, 2 blocks, 3+ blankets. Read more

2023-05-25 Deep Listening: Cultivate receptivity and deep listening in this practice of supine pranayama, supported inversion with your legs up the wall (Viparita Karani), and seated meditation. Experience the tranquility and lucidity that these contemplative practices offer as you cultivate and access the sanctuary within, then re-engage the world of waking consciousness and make yourself an offering to others. Suggested props: mat, wall, 3+ blankets, bolster. Read more

2023-05-24 The Poetic Heart: Become the poet (kavi) and invoke your poetic heart as you contemplate one of the creation myths from the earliest sources of yoga, Rg Veda’s Hymn of Non-Existence (Nasadiya Rg Veda 10.129). This Spirit Strong class interweaves listening, thinking, imagination, meditation, breath, movement, relaxation, and invites us into the poetic heart, of knowing and of not knowing, of asking questions of what is unfathomable. The poem, like the universe itself, is incomplete (the last verse is missing two syllables), unfinished, and leaves the hearers with a question. The process of questioning leaves the hearers repeating the fundamental act of creation, the act of thinking. Suggested props: mat, bolster and/or blankets. Read more

2023-05-23 Flow of the Brush: Inspired by the Japanese writing style of zuihitsu (“flow of the brush” or “going with the flow”), this Spirit Strong class interweaves meditation, stream of consciousness journaling, breath-based movement, and hrdaya (heart) mantra (SAUḤ), to invite us into the experience of going with the flow, wherever that takes you, without necessarily having a particular goal or purpose. Suggested props: mat, journal, props for sitting. Read more

2023-05-22 Strong to the Core: Activate your deep core stabilizing muscles (pelvic floor, transverse abdominus, multifidus) to access and cultivate your innate inner strength. This Spirit Strong class takes you on a 360-degree journey of deep core activation and strengthening in seated, supine, and prone poses, and variations of plank and side plank. Suggested props: mat, bolster and/or blankets. Read more

2023-05-19 Heart Mantra Meditation: Open your heart (and front body structures) in supine supported poses and attune to your breath, then sit for a meditative practice of mantra japa (repetition) on the seed (bija) mantra of the heart (hrdaya), SAUḤ. Steps of practice: (1) Mantra practice begins in receptivity, in listening; listen for the voice of your heart in the whisper of your breath. The mantra is already present, your breath is already breathing you; listen deeply. (2) Once you hear the mantra, you are invited to participate by consciously repeating the mantra. This is called mantra japa. Mantra japa can be practiced silently, quietly to oneself, or by speaking or singing the sound for however long you like. (3) Release the conscious repetition of mantra and return to listening, and you may continue to hear the mantra in your meditation and throughout your day. Suggested props: mat, 2 blocks, props for sitting. Read more

2023-05-18 Yoga Nidra (Yogic Sleep): After a short warm up to awaken the body, experience the deeply restful meditative practice of yoga nidra and deepen your connection to the sanctuary within. This practice activates the parasympathetic nervous system (the “rest and digest” system), helps to soothe anxiety and decrease stress, and increases your ability to evoke a state of calm focused awareness off the mat into every moment of life. Recommended props: mat, blankets, bolster, eye pillow. Read more

2023-05-17 The Virtues of Lucid Consciousness: Through movement, contemplation, and reflection/journaling, this Spirit Strong class takes up the teachings in Patanjali’s Yoga Sutra 1.33 on the virtues of lucid consciousness. We consider these attitudes and mindfulness practices that we can cultivate as beings of conscience, as social beings in complex relationships, and how we might bring our yoga off the mat with engaged and benevolent social action in the world. Suggested props: mat, journal, props to sit on. Read more

2023-05-16 Restore & Rejuvenate: Get grounded and revitalized in this nourishing Spirit Strong practice of breath awareness and relaxation, head-supported forward folds, active inversions, and gentle heart opening backbends. Practice this class once a week, or whenever you need grounded stability and support in a strong, unhurried sequence to restore and rejuvenate your entire being. Recommended props: mat, 2 blocks, 4 blankets, bolster, wall. Read more

2023-05-15 Singular Focus Meditation: Inspired by Patanjali’s Yoga Sutra on singular focus meditation, “For the purpose of counteracting them [distractions], [there is] the practice of [fixing the mind on] one object” (YS 1.32 tat pratishedha-artham eka-tattva-abhyasah), this Spirit Strong class interweaves contemplation and reflection with seated meditation, single leg balancing poses, dynamic sun salutations, and supine relaxation. Suggested props: mat, journal, 2 blankets. Read more

2023-05-13 Cultivate Contentment: Join Noah and Oliver in this Spirit Strong class to contemplate and practice contentment (santosha in Sanskrit) through conversation, journaling, meditation, movement, and pranayama. Consider what Patanjali says about santosha in the Yoga Sutras, “From contentment, unsurpassed happiness is obtained” (YS 2.42), and Krishna’s metaphorical use of a tortoise in the Bhagavad Gita to describe “one whose insight stands firm” (BG 2.58). Suggested props: mat, journal, 2 blankets, bolster. Read more

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Are you ready to take your
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