We are excited to resume our Live practices again in 2025 and are offering a live Yoga Strong class series each month. Each class of the series will also live in the member archive below shortly after each class completes. If you are registered for a particular Yoga Strong series you may also login to your account at themazemethod.com to access the series.

Below is a complementary class for you to get a feel.

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2025-01-08 Yoga to the Rescue – Dedicated to those suffering in the cataclysmic fires burning out of control in Los Angeles and Southern California, this slow_and_steady Wednesday Bendsday practice cultivates courage and compassion as we mobilize the spine, open the shoulders and heart, lengthen the side body and hip flexors in supported poses and backbends. Props: mat, 3 blankets, 2 blocks, strap. Read more

Complete livestream archive Members Only

We invite you to join and experience Noah’s complete (and ever growing) archive of recorded livestreamed classes - on demand. Become a Member and gain access to this growing library for $89 per month. Our archive features the breadth and versatility that sets Noah apart from other teachers, and the classes that brought you here. From hard work in foundational poses, strength based practices, blissful restorative experiences, and dynamic vinyasa flow – YOU choose from the variety of offerings as they amass; and then visit your favorite practices whenever you wish, again and again.

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Sponsored by Plank Pose — If GET STRONG is among your 2021 goals, this class is for you! As the title suggests, there are plenty of Plank Poses and Side Plank Pose repetitions and variations, with plenty of regression and progression options for you to customize the practice to best serve you. Begin by activating the deep core muscles (pelvic floor, transverse abdominis and more) in sitting, then transfer these activations into our title sponsor, Plank Pose, and add layer after layer of nuance and variation to create a strength lasagna (couldn’t resist a food metaphor) of deep core, core, shoulder girdle, upper extremity, and gluteal strengthening. This practice is not about fancy trick poses, but rather a chop_wood_carry_water investment into your ability to activate, strengthen and stabilize your low back, pelvis and shoulders in movement and poses, both on and off the mat, and to recover from and prevent low back and pelvic dysfunction. Props: yoga mat, gravity, towel. Read more

Balance in a Wobbly World — Join Noah in this unhurried but focused FUNdamentals class based on the “standing-head-to-knee” variation of Utthita Hasta Padangusthasana. Begin with a seated centering to synch body, mind, and breath, and practice Anjali Mudra and Sankalpa Mudra to set your intention for your practice and for the dawn of 2021. Stretch your hamstrings and back in a series of standing forward folds, then balance on one leg in a step-by-step progressive journey into our focus pose. This practice will stretch your hamstrings, strengthen your legs, glutes and core stabilizers, and bring clarity of focus to your mind. Props: mat, chair/stool, 2 blankets, strap. Read more

Yogi’s Time Out — Take an hour to step back from the feverish pitch of the world for this self-care practice of supported supine poses and seated forward folds, and enjoy this finale Yoga Live offering at this time. Begin by lying down for guided relaxation and breath, then sit for a few minutes of meditative stillness, stretch your hips and legs and back in forward folds and twists and contemplation in Siddhasana (Accomplished Pose), then lay back in the “yogi’s recliner” of supported Supta Baddha Konasana (Reclined Bound Angle Pose). Thank you for joining our Yoga Live classes, and we hope that they have been (and continue to be) a source of support to help you in these difficult times, as they have been for us, in the trifecta of feverish Covid-19 pandemic, economic hardship, and the irrepressible protests against racial and social and political injustice and inequity. We are sad to let this go, but it is just for now, as our energies are called into other directions, but we will do this again soon. Be well, stay healthy, stay calm and RAGE ON in the fight to make this world better. We are thankful for you. Props: mat, 4 blankets. Read more

Hump Day — This backbending practice of Ustrasana (Camel Pose) will help you over the hump any day you need it. Begin seated in Virasana (Heroes Pose) for centering and deep neck flexor activation, then mobilize your thoracic spine with side bending and twists, open your shoulders and hip flexors and practice standing and kneeling versions of Ustrasana. Creative prop work will give you new access and insight in the pose, and you may even catch a glimpse of the extremely rare unicorn-camel hybrid ;) Props: mat, blanket, strap, wall, chair, 2 blocks. Read more

Calm & Strong — Practice this strong and deliberately paced sequence of hip openers and core strengtheners into arm balances; to strengthen & lengthen those structures in your body, but more importantly to increase your capacity to perseveringly stay the course and make calm adjustments and assessments along the way. Begin seated in Baddha Konasana (Bound Angle) for centering and hip activation/opening, lie down for leg stretches and core strengthening in Supta Padangusthasana (Reclining Hand of Big Toe Pose) variations, enter Eka Pada Rajakapotasana (Single Leg Pigeon Pose) hip stretch with control, practice standing balancing figure 4 leg entry into Eka Pada Galavasana (Single Leg Galava’s Pose, aka Flying Pigeon) and (maybe) entry from Sirsasana II (Tripod Headstand). This no fluff class gets right to it and stays with it until the very end; so find a lower gear and rev up the enduring strength you need to stay on task, both on your mat and on your path in life. Props: mat, 2 blankets, strap, block, slider. Read more

FIERCE! — Get fierce in this focused practice of the squatting pose Utakatasa (Fierce/Powerful Pose, aka Chair Pose) variations. Begin seated in Virasasana (Heroes Pose) for centering, practice Utkatasana with a chair, with a wall, and a variety of other approaches to highlight and cultivate different shapes and organizations of Utakatasana and related motor skills, including ankle strategies, knee strategies, hip strategies. In addition to lengthening your calves and strengthening your quads, you will activate and co-contract your hip adductors, hip abductors and hip extensors, strengthen your back and shoulders for a whole body experience. Then rest your legs up the wall in the supported inversion Viparita Dandasana (Inverted Staff Pose) and end seated to dedicate your practice to the fight for racial and social justice. Props: mat, chair, wall, 2 blankets, strap. Read more

Relaxation Response — Practice self-care and regulate your nervous system in this class of pranayama breathing, deep listening meditation, gentle stretching and nourishing twists. Begin lying down for relaxation and breathing, sit up for meditation, gently stretch your legs and spine in supine and seated forward folds and twists, then let it all go again as you relax on your back. This class will calm your sympathetic nervous system and help you release unnecessary tension and stress from your body so that you can re-engage the world with serenity and renewal. Props: 3 blankets, strap. Read more

The Yogi’s Offering — This strong backbend class is a call to rise to your highest self in this social/cultural/political moment we are in and to make YOUR extraordinary offering to the betterment of the world. Inspired by the intro/description for Dwi Pada Viparita Dandasana (Two Limb Inverted Staff Pose) in Light on Yoga (by B. K. S. Iyengar) about what this pose symbolically represents; this pose is not the ordinary offering to the collective/Divine which is easily done “lying flat on the floor, face downwards with hands outstretched. The Yogi on the other hand prostrates himself in the graceful inverted arch described below.” Make YOUR offering in this practice of heart opening and hamstring/glute strengthening Setubandha (Bridge Pose) and Urdvha Dhanurasana (Upward Bow Pose) progressions into Dwi Pada Viparita Dandasana. Props: blanket, chair (and/or yoga wheel), strap. Read more

Activate & Twist — Activate your entire being in this strength-based twist class that layers deep core activations (pelvic floor, transverse abdominus) with co-contractions of hip & pelvic musculature to cultivate greater motor control in inversions and arm balances, and resiliency of spirit. Begin seated in Virasana (Heroes Pose) for centering and Mula-Bandha (Root Lock) and Uddiyana-Bandha (Navel Lock), stand tall and twist in Tadasana (Mountain Pose) practice Surya Namaskar (Sun Salutations) with a block between the thighs to activate your hip adductors, then a belt around your thighs to activate your gluteal muscles, then progress to Parsva Sirsasana (Headstand Twist). Fire up your core even more supine and seated abdominal strengtheners, sit in a chair for variation of Parivritta Utkatasana (Revolved Fierce/Chair Pose) and then take flight in Parsva Bakasana (Side/Twist Crow). Props: mat, blanket, block, strap. Read more

Forest of Trees — This practice focuses on the FUNdamental standing balancing pose Vrkshasana (Tree Pose). After a brief centering to embody some qualities of “tree-consciousness”, interweave a progression of hip opening poses with standing balancing poses in a variety of relationships to gravity. Through these explorations you will have a deeper appreciation and awareness for Vrkshasana’s alignment and associated motor skills, as well as embody a more calm and balanced state of mind. Props: mat, blanket. Read more

Right To Breathe! — Affirm your right to breathe, and affirm that right for all beings, in this practice of supported heart openers, pranayama breathing and meditative awareness. For this hour of self care practice, find some calm in this stormy world, and soothe and regulate your nervous system, practice self-compassion and empathy. Then carry this calm awareness back into your life and re-engage the fight for racial and social justice; stay calm and peacefully rage on. Props: mat, 3 blankets, 2 blocks, bolster, strap. Read more

Intensely Stretched — Join Noah in this slow_and_steady_practice of forward folds focusing on Parsvottanasana (Side Stretch of Deliberate Intensity Pose). This class invests much in lengthening the hamstrings muscles, and along the way you will invigorate your ankles, feet and shoulders for a full body stretch experience. Begin seated for meditative centering, stretch your legs in Adho Mukha Svanasana (Downward Facing Dog), Uttanasana (Intense Stretch Pose), Prasarita Padottanasana (Wide Leg Intense Stretch Pose) and get into Parsvottanasana. Lie down to stretch your hamstrings and articulate knee and ankle movements in a progression of Supta Padangusthasana (Supine Hand On Big Toe Pose), then practice Parsvottanasana to further depth, open your shoulders in Gomukhasana (Cow Face Pose) arms and Paschima Namaskar Mudra (Reverse Namaste/Prayer Imprint) and work into the “full” expression of Parsvottanasana. After a weekend of protests and unrest (here in Los Angeles) surrounding the horrific murder of George Floyd, this practice will ground you so that you can remain strong and connected to your/our path of positive change. Props: mat, blanket, strap, optional blocks. Read more

Jumping Frogs & Howling Dogs — Join Noah, Madeleine, Oliver and Moxie for this playful high energy class. After a brief centering, practice jumpings in sun salutations, hoppings into handstands, playful headstands, strong leg standing poses, howling up dogs, rolling wheels, and a stillness contest in final resting. Family yoga - now family “doga” - is a mix of order and chaos, much like life, and is sure to bring many smiles and much joy to your day. Props: mat, blanket, 2 blocks, wall, yoga wheel or sliders, children and dog (optional). Read more

Courageous Strength — Cultivate courage and expansive awareness in this strong Svarga Dvijasana (Bird of Paradise, aka Twice Born in Heaven) peak-pose class. Begin by standing tall (on a chair) to expand your perspective, stand for those who cannot stand, breathe for those who cannot breathe. Warm up with breath based sun salutations, strengthen and open your legs in familiar standing poses, and through the use of props, progressive muscular activations and mobilization strategies/poses, and get into your best Bird of Paradise pose. The world, including all of us, needs more true strength and real courage right now, and this class will help you access and activate your heroic heart. Props: mat, wall, strap, chair. Read more

Yoga Stoned — Practice this deeply nourishing and restful gratitude practice and get an all natural “yoga-high.” Begin by lying down in supported Savasana (Corpse Pose) and practice Ujayii Pranayama (Victorious Breath) and Sahaja Pranayama (Spontaneous Breath), then sit for a meditative practice of Anjali Mudra (Imprint of Grace), Sankalpa Mudra (Imprint of Intention), and Nadi Shodana Pranayama (Purification of the Nadis Breath). Then put your legs up the wall in the gentle supported inversion and hip opening practice of Viparita Karani (Inverted Action Pose), then practice the same leg stretches in the seated forward folds of Baddha Konasana (Bound Angle Pose), Upavistha Konasana (Wide Angle Pose) and Paschimottanasana (Intense Western Stretch Pose) and then rest again in Savasana. This practice will leave you feeling calm, lucid and yoga-stoned. Props: mat, 3 blankets, strap, wall. Read more

The Sting of the Scorpion — This strong backbend (and inversion) practice takes up the peak pose challenge of Vrischikasana (Scorpion Pose) from Forearm Balance. Begin seated in Virasana (Heroes Pose) for centering, use props as support as you lay down and open your chest, shoulders, mobilize your thoracic spine and stretch your hip flexors and quads. Practice Pincha Mayurasana (Peacock’s Tail Pose) at the wall and then a progression of Vrischikasana stages using a chair at the wall. As you become the scorpion (metaphorically speaking) you are invited into the paradoxical relationship of nourishment/awakening and poison/toxicity, for what is toxic to us is the scorpion’s most valuable asset. Props; mat, blanket, strap, 2 blocks, wall, chair. Read more

Low Fly Zone — Get long and strong in this inversion + arm balance peak practice to the peak pose Eka Pada Koundinyasana II (One Legged Pose dedicated to the Sage Koundinya). Begin seated for centering and deep core activation (Mula-bandha, Uddiyana-bandha), then warm up with plank pose variations and sun salutations with progressions of Chaturanga Dandasana (Four Limb Staff Pose) to strengthen your chest, shoulders and arms. Open your legs and hips with a few standing and supine poses, then practice those leg movements variations of Sirsasana I (Headstand I), assemble the pieces and practice the low flying arm balance Eka Pada Koundinyasana, then progress the entry into the arm balance from Adho Mukha Svanasana (Downward Facing Dog) and Sirsasana II (Tripod Headstand). This class is a full body workout - come prepared to play hard and work within your healthy boundaries. Props: mat, blanket, wall, 2 blocks. Read more

Quest for the Press — If you quest for the press (up to handstand), this class is for you! Begin sitting in Virasana (Heroes Pose) for centering and practice abhaya-mudra (imprint of fearlessness), then warm up with sun salutations with an emphasis on the forward folds and wrist strengtheners. Practice a progression of steps for pressing into Sirsasana I (Headstand) and explore many strengthening drills and prop strategies to help you on your quest. Your core, shoulders and arms will be strengthened, your hamstrings will be lengthened, and your spirit will be fortified as you move forward your path towards handstand press. Props: mat, blanket, wall, bolster, sliders, 2 blocks, chair. Read more

Be The Bridge — Get out all your yoga props (we’ll probably use them) and join Noah in this backbend class dedicated to building and refining Setubandha (Bridge Pose) in the cycle of Sarvangasana (Shoulder Stand/All Limbs Pose). Begin seated in Virasana (Heroes Pose) to stretch your quads and listen to a brief story from the epic Ramayana and consider the symbolism/metaphors, then open your chest and shoulders and practice Sarvangasana at the wall, and a progression of bridge pose variations with prop drills to work step by step towards the ‘full’ pose. Expect plenty of heart opening, hamstring strengthening, inversion time and tinkering with props. To be the bridge is to create/strengthen meaningful connections/bridges between now and then (time), here and there (place), this and that (identity). Props: mat (thin extra mat optional), 3+ blankets, wall, strap, block, sliders, chair. Read more

Project Warrior III — If you are feeling strong and integrated, or if you WANT to feel strong and integrated, this class is for you! Begin seated and activate your deep core muscles (pelvic floor aka Mula-Bandha & transverse abdominus aka Uddiyana-Bandha) and practice a breath based centering. Then lie down to stretch your legs, strengthen your core and your shoulders in supine, then flip to prone to activate your posterior chain (back body) and MORE shoulder strengtheners (i’s, T’s, Y’s & I’s). Next, stand on one leg to activate your outer hip stabilizers (glutes) and practice a progression of Virabhadrasana III (Warrior III) variations and prop strategies to come into the pose from low_to_high (Uttanasana to Vira III) and high_to_low (Tadasana to Vira III). This no-fluff sequence will leave you with trembling muscles and feeling way more connected to your strength and better able to hold your world together (loka samgraha - as Krishna says in the Bhagavad-Gita) in these uncertain times. Props: mat, blanket, 2 blocks, strap. Read more

Triangles, Triangles, Triangles — Join Noah in embodied process of deep inquiry and exploration of Utthita Trikonasana (Extended Triangle Pose) and related joint positions, shapes and muscular actions. We tend to take familiar poses for granted, and this class invites you to bring ALL your knowledge and experience of this pose AND a beginners mind; because there is always more to learn and experience. After a seated centering, lie down and open your legs in hips in Supta Padangusthasana (Supine Hand on Big Toe Pose) variations and apply those skills directly to Trikonasana. From there the exploration of Trikonasana continues as you practice the standing pose in a variety of ways with and without props, and practice the joint positions/shape and transitional movements in different relationships to gravity (supine, prone) to illumine every aspect of this iconic pose. Your whole body, mind/awareness and brain will be exercised and invigorated. Props: mat, wall, strap, 2 blankets, 2 blocks. Read more

Lightning in a Bottle — Join Noah and Madeleine and listen to the story of Dadhici, the ancient yogi, who’s bones were the source of the weapons of the gods in their need to confront the pathogen/predator serpentine Vrtra. Dadhici's spine IS the lightning in a bottle, the vajra (thunder/lighning bolt) that becomes the great resource of warrior chieftain Indra. Then move your bones and bend your spine in every direction in a sequence of sun salutations, backbends, side bends, twists and forward bends, with an emphasis on Vajrasana (Thunderbolt Pose) and Laghu Vajrasana (Little Thunderbolt Pose). Props: mat, blanket, bolster. Read more

Side Plank Flow — Practice a progression of Vasisthasana (Vasistha’s Pose, aka Side Plank) variations in a breath based dynamic vinyasa class. Ease in with a few stretching poses, establish rhythmic breathing in seated Ujayii Pranayama (Victorious Breath), pair breath and movement and build heat in Surya Namaskar A & B (Sun Salutations), and layer in single leg balancing poses to slow the tempo and maintain focus, with linked standing poses, and LOTS of shoulder and core strengthening opportunities in plank and side plank variations. This vinyasa practice includes alignment instructions with a constant emphasis on breath and uses repetition to build bigger and bigger waves of linked poses. Take it at your own pace; it may get a little messy and wild, so have a towel nearby and rest when you need to. Props: mat, towel. Read more

Deep Rest — Gather your blankets, keep your socks and sweater on, occupy the children elsewhere (and close your door) and carve out an hour of you-time to slow down and rest deeply. Begin with a luxuriously long supported Savasana (Corpse Pose) and guided Yoga Nidra (Relaxation), carry your calm state into a seated meditation, stretch your legs and spine in a slow flow of standing forward folds, and end standing tall and strong in a serene Tadasana (Mountain Pose). This practice will soothe your adrenals and calm your sympathetic nervous system and invite the relaxation response of your parasympathetic nervous system. Props: blankets, bolster, mat, quiet space. Read more

Are you ready to take your
practice to the next level?

Are you ready to take your
practice to the next level?