We are excited to resume our Live practices again in 2025 and are offering a live Yoga Strong class series each month. Each class of the series will also live in the member archive below shortly after each class completes. If you are registered for a particular Yoga Strong series you may also login to your account at themazemethod.com to access the series.

Below is a complementary class for you to get a feel.

Become a member and enjoy full unlimited access to Yoga Strong AND our ever expanding class archive. We have built a robust class collection these past years and are proud to share them with you.

Get to Know us: Selected Archived Classes Free

2025-01-08 Yoga to the Rescue – Dedicated to those suffering in the cataclysmic fires burning out of control in Los Angeles and Southern California, this slow_and_steady Wednesday Bendsday practice cultivates courage and compassion as we mobilize the spine, open the shoulders and heart, lengthen the side body and hip flexors in supported poses and backbends. Props: mat, 3 blankets, 2 blocks, strap. Read more

Complete livestream archive Members Only

We invite you to join and experience Noah’s complete (and ever growing) archive of recorded livestreamed classes - on demand. Become a Member and gain access to this growing library for $89 per month. Our archive features the breadth and versatility that sets Noah apart from other teachers, and the classes that brought you here. From hard work in foundational poses, strength based practices, blissful restorative experiences, and dynamic vinyasa flow – YOU choose from the variety of offerings as they amass; and then visit your favorite practices whenever you wish, again and again.

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Core 360 — Join Noah in this strength n’stability class and activate ALL your core muscles in a 360 degree circumference around your lower back and pelvis/hips. Begin seated with deep core activation of pelvic floor muscles (Mula-Bandha) and transverse abdominus (Uddiyana-Bandha), and keep your deep core active in Adho Mukha Svanasana (Downward Facing Dog Pose) and plank pose variations, use twists to activate your obliques (the intermediate muscles of your abdominal wall), and Vasisthasana (Vasistha’s Pose, aka Side Plank) variations to strengthen your shoulders and gluteal muscles and bust out your sliders for slippery planks. Apply and experience your stable core in side behind poses, seated forward folds, breath based Surya Namaskar A (Sun Salutation A) and Setubandhas (Bridge Poses), then rest deeply in Savasana (Corpse Pose). Props: mat, blanket, sliders, bolster. Read more

Leg Day #OMQ — Join Noah in this strong leg focused practice of FUNdamental poses. Begin sitting in Virasana (Heroes Pose) for meditative centering, stretch your legs in Adho Mukha Svanasana (Downward Facing Dog) and Uttanasana (Standing Forward Fold), sit again in Virasana with specific muscular actions and then progress your leg actions in Adho Mukha Svanasana. Fire up ALL your leg muscles in the strongest Tadasana (Mountain Pose) ever, and cook your quads in Utkatasana (Fierce Pose, aka Chair Pose) and Virabhadrasana II (Warrior II Pose), and then cool down and rest deeply. Your legs will thank you for days for this #OMQ (Oh My Quads) #OMQQ (Oh My Quivering Quads) class. Props: mat, blanket, strap, wall.  Read more

Find Steadiness in Uncertainty — Join Noah for this strong vinyasa flow class to launch his Yoga Live class series during the Covid-19 pandemic and cultivate steadiness in these wobbly and uncertain times. Ease in with some opening stretches, expand your breath with Ujayii Pranayama (Victorious Breath), flow in concert with your breath in Surya Namaskar A & B (Sun Salutations), stand and balance in Vrkshasana (Tree Pose) on the floor and on a blanket, fire up your legs in Surya Namaskar C variations, strengthen your shoulders in one arm plank variations, and culminate in a progression to one-arm Adho Mukha Vrkshasana (Downward Facing Tree, aka Handstand) at the wall. Cool down with seated forward folds and rest in Savasana (Corpse Pose). Props; mat, 2 blocks, blanket, wall.  Read more

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practice to the next level?

Are you ready to take your
practice to the next level?